Powered by its more than 20 years of experience in the production of commercial vehicles, Bozankaya carries out exemplary studies for the sector with an environmentally friendly production approach for the world of the future. Bozankaya produces vehicles that are sensitive to the environment and human health.

The SILEO Electric Bus makes urban public transport as quiet and clean as possible. Thanks to its electrical draw, it maintains microclimates and reduces air pollution. It is a tool that keeps noise emissions as low as possible and increases the quality of life in the regions it serves.

Bozankaya Trambus is the new public transportation vehicle of the modern era, powered by electricity, having a high passenger carrying capacity, economical and environmentally friendly in terms of energy consumption. Operating with zero emissions, Bozankaya trambus leads its competitors in environmental awareness.

Bozankaya Tram stands out with its high passenger capacity, low energy consumption, zero emissions and modern vision. The bogie design, which minimizes vibration and noise, does not harm the nature while providing a comfortable journey to the driver and passengers.

Bozankaya aims to prove to the whole world that transportation is possible without polluting the environment and nature with the same sensitivity and responsibility awareness in its future projects as in the past.